FAMM to host virtual panel, “The Challenges to Passing Independent Prison Oversight in the States” on April 13
For Media Inquiries:
Tripp Laino, 202-999-4273
FAMM to host virtual panel, “The Challenges to Passing Independent Prison Oversight in the States” on April 13
WASHINGTON – FAMM is hosting a virtual panel, “The Challenges to Passing Independent Prison Oversight in the States” at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13.
Our nation’s state prisons need greater oversight, accountability, and transparency, but efforts to create it have run into roadblocks. Join us to hear about the challenges to creating independent prison oversight and how best to overcome them.
Panelists are from Arizona, Florida, Michigan and Virginia. The panelists are Denise Rock, Florida Cares; Vishal Agraharkar, ACLU-VA; Paulettra James, Sistas in Prison Reform; John Fabricius, Arizonans for Transparency and Accountability in Corrections and Lois Pullano, Citizens for Prison Reform.
The panel will be moderated by Molly Gill, FAMM’s Vice President of Policy, and will be streamed live on FAMM’s YouTube Page.
For more than three decades, FAMM has united the voices of affected families, the formerly incarcerated, and a range of stakeholders and advocates to fight for a more fair and effective justice system. FAMM has led the fight to reform extreme mandatory sentencing laws and to promote rehabilitation and dignity for all people in prison, 94 percent of whom will return to our neighborhoods one day.
FAMM is a national nonpartisan advocacy organization that promotes fair and effective criminal justice policies that safely reduce incarceration, save taxpayer dollars, and keep families together. Founded in 1991, FAMM has secured bold sentencing and prison reform across the country while elevating the voices of directly impacted individuals and families.