Department of Justice

FAMM releases statement following verdict in trial of Ray J. Garcia

For Media Inquiries:
Tripp Laino, 202-999-4273

FAMM releases statement following verdict in trial of Ray J. Garcia

WASHINGTON – FAMM President Kevin Ring issued the following statement after a jury rendered a verdict in the case of Ray J. Garcia, the former warden of Dublin Federal Correctional Institution:

“We are happy to see another perpetrator of the heinous crimes at Dublin brought to justice, and hope that it provides some measure of healing for the victims,” Ring said. “Of course, the brave women who testified against their abusers will never be able to fully heal so long as they remain incarcerated. We continue to believe that the government should bring compassionate release motions on behalf of these women and let them go home to heal. They were not sentenced to being raped and abused.

“Much will be made of the lengthy prison term the government is expected to seek for Garcia. We believe that more energy should be dedicated to preventing this type of abuse from happening in the first place. The federal prison system lacks transparency and accountability. That is why we are urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Federal Prison Oversight Act.”

A recent FAMM poll found that 82% of Americans believe there should be a system of independent oversight of our federal prisons. FAMM has championed oversight for years, including the recently introduced Federal Prison Oversight Act.

FAMM has previously advocated for early release for the women who were victims at Dublin.

For more than three decades, FAMM has united the voices of affected families, the formerly incarcerated, and a range of stakeholders and advocates to fight for a more fair and effective justice system. FAMM has led the fight to reform extreme mandatory sentencing laws and to promote rehabilitation and dignity for all people in prison, 94 percent of whom will return to our neighborhoods one day.


FAMM is a national nonpartisan advocacy organization that promotes fair and effective criminal justice policies that safely reduce incarceration, save taxpayer dollars, and keep families together. Founded in 1991, FAMM has secured bold sentencing and prison reform across the country while elevating the voices of directly impacted individuals and families.